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2020-06-09 11:55:21

Amorepacific Makes A Bench from Empty Cosmetic Bottles

2020-06-09 11:55:21

Amorepacific partnered with 
TerraCycle and environmental design startup Radio-B to make a bench from empty cosmetic bottles. 

The upcycled bench --made from 1,400 bottles -- will be installed in public facilities in South Korea to mark World Environment Day, which was June 5. 

Creating a New Material

To make the bench, 
Amorepacific developed a terrazzo for the first time in the industry by mixing plastic cosmetic bottle powder with ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC).

The bench's design highlights the importance of recycling.

A Covid-19-Inspired Design, to Help Social-Distance

The project also includes a
 pandemic-inspired design that encourages social distancing. 

A pot of plants sits in middle of the bench. There is also a 1m mark at each end, allowing users to sit 2m apart, which is equivalent to 6 ft, to maintain social distancing when sitting. 

Howard Lee, Communication executive director of communications, Amorepacific, says, "This upcycled bench project shows how we can extend the lifecycles of products. It is meaningful that we actively spread a positive message of overcoming social issues together."

Lee adds, "Amorepacific is proud to work as a global corporate citizen discovering sustainable and innovative ways to contribute to society."

Future Commitment to Sustainability  

Amorepacific plans to reduce its use of plastic up to 700 tons by 2022.

How? It is switching to colorless PET to help increase its use of 
recyclable packaging.

In addition, in June 2019, Amorepacific signed an agreement with TerraCycle to recycle used bottles. Each year, its goal is to collect 100 tons of used plastic cosmetic bottles, aiming for a 100% recycle rate.

The company also plans to continue its environmental commitment by increasing its use of PCR plastic, as well as through ongoing research on sustainable, eco-friendly packaging.
